Monday 29 September 2008

Institutional Research - more to add on

The publishers that would publish my magazine would be Asiana Magazines. This is because they also publish the range of Magazines focused towards asian readers. This makes reference to an earlier post where I talked about the idea that Asiana is focused between young females and more towards working class females.Asiana have produces a wide range of wedding, bridal and new men magazines, as the main magazine is focused on fashion and gossip it helps me to understand there is a market slot for my edition of Asian teenagers. As Asiana is not the only magazine I have researched on, ‘Young Voices’ helps me have an idea of the layout and issues to be raised upon in my magazine. Asiana helps me further, due to the fact I have the same ethnic target, this means I would have to focus on the institutional publisher as my base for successfully targeting my audience.

Product research

Here is a well known Asian magazine, priced at £3.50. Targeted at females, age ranged from teens to mid-age. I used this magazine as there is no Asian magazine relating back to Male teenagers.

This magazine, targets a different audience compared to Asiana. However, both of these magazines help me target my Asian teenagers. The reason why I had to choose Young voice was because there are no Asian magazines targeted towards the youth. My magazine would be a hybrid of these key features to help target my audience.

Thursday 25 September 2008



1. What gender are you?

Male Female

2. How old are you?

Under 13 14 – 16 17 – 19 20 – 22 23-25 Over 26

3. What ethnicity are you?

White Asian Indian Asian Chinese Black Caribbean

Black African Mixed

Other ________________

4. What is your Occupation?

5. How often do you buy magazines?

Once a week Once a month Every fortnight Never

6. Why do you buy magazines?

News Images Celebrity gossip Music/Films Lifestyles

Competitions Real life gossip Fashion & Beauty Health & Fitness

7. How much would you pay for a magazine?

<£0.50 £0.50 - £1.50 £1.50 - £ 2.50 £2.50 - £3.50 £3.50>

8. Do you feel youth are badly represented in the media?

Yes No

If Yes, why? ___________________________________________________________

9. How do you think youth should be represented differently?

10. Would the chance to publish your views increase your self confidence?

Yes No

11. Do you feel parents should be more aware on what is happening with their children?

Yes No

If yes, why?

12. Would you buy a real life magazine focused on young people and youth issues eg. Crime, Drugs….?

Yes No

If yes, why?

Monday 22 September 2008

Audience Research

This graph shows 12 Males and 8 Females were givin my questionnaire.
Here it shows there was 5 , 14- 16, 11, 17 - 19 and 4, 20-22, got involved in my questionnaires.
This helps me to target my audience from the ages 14 - 22.
This chart shows 1 white, 12 Asian Indians, 1 Asian Chinese, 1 Black Caribbean, 1 Black African, 2 Mixed and 2 Other ethnical people where part of my questionnaire. My target audience here would be Asian Indians, as my magazine is going to be targeted towards that ethnicity the most.

All my target audience are going to be on students.

This bar chart shows how often the students by their magazines, even though there was 8 students who 'Never' bought magazines, Students who buy a magazine 'Once a month' (5) and ' Every fortnight' (5)is a similar period, so this supports me to produce my product every month.

Most of the students buy magzines to look at the 'Images', this is linked with 'fashion & Images'. 'News' and 'Lifestyle' are the second reason why students by magazines. This supports my idea for my magazine.

This chart was not that helpful due to the fact 9 students would pay £0.50 - £1.50 for a magazine. However 6 students would pay £2.50 - £3.50, so my price range has to be between those figures.

Here is shows people feel youth are represented badly throught media, other responses to this question was "...not all media present the youth badly, its just views from parents and how they judge us by the way we dress".

Students do feel some that they should get their views and feelings put across, others felt there would be no difference.

18 students did agree for parents being aware of what teenagers do and want, however 2 felt this might bring parents to be more strict towards them.

All 20 students said they would buy a real life magazines which focused on youth issues and to focus on how teenagers want to be presented as.

Wednesday 10 September 2008

My final decision...

My final decision is a Magazine called 'Language of the Youth' (working title). My target audience is Males and Females, aged 13 - 20.
My magazine would include young people’s views of fashion, life, crime and talent. These views would help gain a wider audience due to the fact parents would want to know what youngsters feel and need in life.